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Q: Should you buy download proof of completion of traffic school?
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In CA is the date of traffic school completion or the date of the moving violation considered the start date before your next possible traffic school?

most courts concider the date of traffic school completion as the start date to determine the 18 month rule. You may ask the court for permission to attend a 12 hour course if you have had a ticket prior to 18 months. In and Out Traffic

What is the easiest fastest traffic school?

There are many traffic school sites on the web. Search for traffic school reviews to find more detailed information on the speed of online traffic school completion.

How do you attend the traffic school after paying the fine?

I got a speeding ticket back in august in west covina... I paid it off last week I paid the fine and traffic school fee' Now what should I do? should I wait for them to reply me back or should I contact them to see which traffic school I can attend? Or should I just enroll in any traffic school? I am thinking about doing it online. I am so confused! somebody help me please.

Can a person go to traffic school without going to court and the points on their license not be issued?

You should get the information from the court in the mail. If you are elligable to attend traffic school, your ticket will say that....if this is the case than pay your bail amount, and the traffic school fee, then enroll in a traffic school and they (the traffic school) will send your certificate when the course is completed.

What does further education mean?

Typically, it refers to education beyond completion of the high school level.Typically, it refers to education beyond completion of the high school level.Typically, it refers to education beyond completion of the high school level.Typically, it refers to education beyond completion of the high school level.Typically, it refers to education beyond completion of the high school level.Typically, it refers to education beyond completion of the high school level.

How do you get to mandatory classes?

It depends on the school, the department within the school, and the completion of the appropriate prerequisites. Your academic adviser should be able to help you.

What is the School Completion Certificate Program?

A school completion certificate program is a certificate of completion of studies. When you attend a school (college, vocational trade school, or high school) of curriculum you have either a course or courses to complete in order to gain a completion certificate to advance your career or provide a entry to a new career.

Traffic school do you have to go to court?

After you got your ticket, the court should have sent you paperwork letting you know how much your ticket is and how much additional it would be to attend traffic school. If you've received that paperwork, and if you are eligible to take traffc school, you can go ahead and start taking your traffic school course. The court should also send you lists of traffic schools that you can attend. Online traffic schools are by far the cheapest and easiest way to take care of that point on your record.

Can people go to online traffic school as a substitute for traffic school?

yes, people can go to an online traffic school as a substitute for normal traffic school. online traffic school teaches you everything you need to know about what will be on the test.

What do they teach you at traffic school?

Traffic schools are used by courts to help drivers refresh themselves with safe driving practices. The traffic school basically teaches you everything you should have learned before obtaining your license originally. After you complete the school, you should receive a certificate that may help you with insurance coverage or reduce points on your driving record.

About how much is the fine for running a red light in Nevada both for guilty and not guilty plea?

Traffic School Option?XYES - $305 and must complete 5 hour traffic school to have points amended. Please visit Traffic School must be completed at least 24 hours prior to paying the fine. If fine payment is received before the traffic school completion, a conviction and points may be reported to the DMV.1st offense total without proof of compliance or traffic school optionsA) $395 and citation will be amended to illegal parking-no pointsB) $305 no traffic school and no amendment. Points will be reported to DMV. Please contact DMV for information regarding points at offense total$365 In order to remove points and amend the charge to illegal parking, Traffic School is required. Please visit

What classes should a person take to go to law school?

There are no requirements for specific courses. The school is more interested in good study habits and completion of the degree.