Ozzy Osbourne's real name is John Michael Osbourne, so his middle name is Michael.
John "Ozzy" Osbourne's middle name is Michael. (John Michael Osbourne)
Crazy Train.....in 1970 Ozzy osbourne became the lead singer in black sabath.....in 1977 he left only to return again in 1978.....but then he left again.....his most popular song is crazy train which was released on the album Blizzard of Ozzin 1980.....crazy train was Ozzy osbournes first single as a solo artist after leaving black sabath.....and his middle name,as of now, is john.....his real original name was John Michael Osbourne
Ozzy had one dughter with his first wife; Jessica Osbourne. He then married Sharon Osbourne and had Aimee Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne.
Ozzy Osbourne. John is his given first name, but he later took the name Ozzy(after peers in school tried to make fun of him by calling him 'Ozzy').
Ozzy Osbourne's real name is John Michael Osbourne he was born December 3, 1948.
His fathers name is the same as his sons. Jack Osbourne.
John "Ozzy" Osbourne's middle name is Michael. (John Michael Osbourne)
John "Ozzy" Osbourne's middle name is Michael. (John Michael Osbourne)
Crazy Train.....in 1970 Ozzy osbourne became the lead singer in black sabath.....in 1977 he left only to return again in 1978.....but then he left again.....his most popular song is crazy train which was released on the album Blizzard of Ozzin 1980.....crazy train was Ozzy osbournes first single as a solo artist after leaving black sabath.....and his middle name,as of now, is john.....his real original name was John Michael Osbourne
Ozzy had one dughter with his first wife; Jessica Osbourne. He then married Sharon Osbourne and had Aimee Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne.
Ozzy Osbourne,s First Name Is John.
Ozzy Benn's birth name is Ozan Ben.
Ozzy never went to college.