Josh Turner's song Another Try is a song about not realizing that you had the love of your life until they are gone.
Your Man - Josh Turner song - was created in 2005-08.
Josh Turner's song "The Longer The Waiting" was written by Pat McLaughlin and Roger cook and has only been recorded by Josh.
Josh Turner, and the name of the song is Your Man.
I believe the original was sung by Tina Turner
"your man" by Josh Turner
Josh Turner's song "Another Try" was written by Chris Stapleton and Jeremy Spillman.
Your Man - Josh Turner song - was created in 2005-08.
Yes. Josh Turner is a country artist so therefore all his songs are country.
Josh Turner's song "The Longer The Waiting" was written by Pat McLaughlin and Roger cook and has only been recorded by Josh.
Why Don't We Just Dance!
josh turner- your man
Your Man by Josh Turner.
I think Down With Webster sings it, either that or Josh Turner
Josh Turner, and the name of the song is Your Man.
Josh Turner wrote the song "Long Black Train".
Josh Turner sings "Would You Go With Me?".
Would you go with me. Hands down.