sol mi mi mi sol fa mi fa la ti do re la sol sol sol mi mi mi sol re sol ti la do ti la la sol sol sol do sol ti do ti la la la ti fa mi fa la sol sol sol mi re do ti ti la la do la sol la mi re do
fa do re
pwet mo hehehehhe
What were the so fa syllables used in the song "Sayang sayang si Patokaan"?
Sol-Fa was first used by Guido de Arrezo, a Benedictine monk of the tenth century. The syllables were (and still are) combined with hand movements providing a sonic and visual means of remembering notes usually to be sung. This method was extensively used at that time as musical notation as we know it now had not been developed.
The sofa syllables of "Lupang Hinirang" are "lu-pang hi-ni-rang."
Two syllables: So-fa.
so fa
in staff
so fa
The sofa syllables for "Leron Leron Sinta" are: Le-ron, Le-ron, Sin-ta.
There are 8 sofa syllables which are ti,do,me,re,so,fa,la and do. This is the primary step in using the notes shape to sing.
what is an eb scale
fa do re
do ti la so
pwet mo hehehehhe