Viola Davis has 1 child
yes he is still married and he has three children
2 kids married once
Prince Henry was never married and did not have children.
There are 12 no 22 pages of the viola in real life
Viola Davis has 1 child
Viola Davis has 1 child
Kristin Davis has 2 children
Jefferson Davis has 6 children
bette Davis has 3 children
There is no official reports on who actor Lavan Davis is married to or if he is married at all. There have been many rumors about him being married in real life to his TV wife Cassi Davis, but these have been proven false.
Jefferson Davis has 6 children
Kristin Davis has 2 children
bette Davis has 3 children
5 same-sex couples married in Davis County in 2011.
He is married and has 2 children.
She was married twice. She first married John Tubman and then Nelson Davis.