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No, the imaginary bass player Murdoc Niccals claims to be, though he is nothing more then a cartoon, the men behind the entire band just wanted diversity in the group of animated characters. The lead singer 2D is a Buddhist. To pass the time they gave the characters religions, none of which has anything to do with the actual band, their latest album is focused on saving the environment. The characters are simply a front for the music and Murdoc being a satanist as nothing to do with the music, story, or ideas behind the band. They are NOT satanic, they are just an alternative to the Jonas brothers and Justin Bieber, and to be honest, I prefer their sound, meaningful lyrics and overall sound much better then the "pop" music forced down everyones throats all the time. They're simple and their songs are good. There is nothing more to it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

The animated band members are not.



It is unknown what Russel and Noodle are.

As for the live band it isn't really known what religion they are.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

They've never said anything about religion as far as i know...

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