Whether Taeyeon is pretty will vary from person to person. The characteristics one person may find attractive will vary from another person's opinions.
The name Tae-Yeon or Taeyeon means nonchalant (literally) It means that you don't let petty things get in the way of your dreams.
It was Yoona because They Laugh at The same reason and no one understands them
Taeyeon, she is 21. In order from oldest to youngest is -Taeyeon -Jessica -Sunny -Tiffany -Hyoyeon -Yuri -Sooyoung -Yoona -Seohyun
Girls' Generation has multiple main vocalists, There's Taeyeon, Tiffany, Jessica, Sehyun, and Sunny. The other 4 girls are supporting vocalist.
Stephanie Hwang or Lee Sun Kyu
No. Overall- Beauty- Jessica is more pretty while Taeyeon is cute. Both girls are pretty and cute but Jessica is more mature, pretty and cute as well while Taeyeon is Cute. Singing- Jessica is still the best out of these two. Even though SM promotes Taeyeon's singing more, Jessica has the better voice. She can hit high notes and her voice is soft, warm and sweet (angelic). Taeyeon can't hit the high notes as well as Jessica as Taeyeon strains but Jess hits them like a pro. Taeyeon is unstable and her voice is strong and bold (rough (in a good way)) Personality- Jessica is more warm and carefree but both girls are very kind and nice. I hope you can see that not only in my opinion, in SMent, countless fans and countless professionals Jessica is better than Taeyeon. It is just that SM promotes Taeyeon more.
Kim Taeyeon (김태연)
Taeyeon was born on March 9, 1989.
Taeyeon was born on March 9, 1989.
Taeyeon's birth name is Kim Tae-yeon.
Wooyoung likes Taeyeon. He said his favorite member of SNSD is Taeyeon because of her voice on a radio show.
most people like jessica because she's pretty but she's the one to me that lip-syncs the most (no offense) but for roles and other stuff here's what i would say jessica, yuri,tiffany-beauty taeyeon, seohyun-voice taeyeon,sooyoung,yoona,yuri-funniness taeyeon-dorkiness yoona-popular and likely to be in the middle hyoyeon, yuri,yoona, and sooyoung-dancing (mostly hyoyeon) sunny,taeyeon-cuteness if you mean, the image of snsd, then it's definitely Yoona.
Taeyeon :)