Yes she is still alive and she is 91 years of age.
Patti now works for The City Of Chicago
Jerry Lee Lewis was born on September 29, 1935
Yes he is. We just do not hear about him as much these days.
Yes, he is still very much alive. I have supper with him last evening. He lives in New York with his wife. jerry
Yes she is still alive and she is 91 years of age.
Yes she is still alive and she is 91 years of age.
No, she is still alive.
Yes, Jerry Spinelli is still alive
Yes, as of October 2021, Jerry Spinelli is still alive. He was born on February 1, 1941.
YES! he is currently alive
Jerry Mathers, who played the Beaver, on the show Leave It To Beaver, is still alive.
jerry lee lewis is still alive and kicking today.
No, Jerry Springer is still alive.