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be sure to not mix the different colours(red&Green) they Aren't compatiable with each other.if in doubt drain then flush system then completely renew the coolant.

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Q: Is it bad to mix engine coolant?
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How does coolant work?

Engine coolant is what I'm assuming you are talking about. Engine coolant is a mix of water and etholyn glycol (antifreeze). It pulls heat away from your engine block that builds up from the friction of moving parts. The coolant mix allows the coolant to get cold to a point and not freeze because of the etholyn glycol. It is also not good to put straight antifreeze into your engine because antifreeze does not have as much cooling potential as water antifreeze mix. Also if you have just antifreeze in your engine the antifreeze will boil at a much lower temperature than a mix of aproxamalty 50/50.

Is an engine coolant leak bad?

Yes, If to much leaks out this will cause the engine to over heat, smoke and or stall hence the name engine COOLant :)

How does engine coolant get into the combustion chamber?

A bad head gasket , a warped head usually from overheating , would allow engine coolant into an engine cylinder

What is the engine coolant water mix for a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee Lerado?

50 50 coolant is what i use- would suggest no more han a 60 40 mix.

What coolant does the 1992 Dodge spirit V6 engine use?

An Spirit engine doesnt use any spacific type of coolant, as long as its a 50/50 mix.

Why does white smoke come out of the tailpipe and smell like antifreeze?

I'm not a mechanic / technician but if white smoke is coming out of your tailpipe with the engine warmed up it sounds like you are getting engine coolant into one or more of your engine cylinders . ( bad head gasket / warped cylinder head ) Is the coolant / antifreeze mix also going into your engine oil )

If the VIC on your 1996 JGC reads that the coolant sensor is bad what do you do?

check/replace the engine coolant level sensor located in the engine coolant overflow reservior (located at the rear of the engine compartment pass. side)

Why does oil and coolant mix on the valve cover and not in the engine?

Oil and coolant should NEVER mix in an automobile. Can you be a bit more descriptive in your question? Im led to believe there is something wrong with your vehicle. I agree with him, if you have what you call a mix of coolant and oil on the valve cover you have an internal coolant leak you need to get looked ASAP. Oil and coolant do not mix anywhere, it's like if you put oil and water in a jar and shake it, it seems to "mix" but it really doesn't and it will separate when left alone. If you get too much coolant in the oil, it will take away the lubricating quality of the oil and it will ruin the engine.

What are substitutes for Motorcraft premium gold engine coolant?

You can use standard GREEN coolant in this system.DO NOT use orange or DEX COOL coolant.It will not mix with your current coolant.

What kind of engine coolant do i use for my 2004 eclipse?

You use engine coolant, period. There is no manufacturer specific kind. Make sure you mix it 50 percent coolant and 50 percent water. -actually its the green kind-

What kind of engine coolant should you use for a 2003 s-type jaguar?

Dextacool (orange) coolant by Prestone. DO NOT MIX with green coolant because you will have a major problem on your hand concerning the engine and cooling system. Thxs

Can a bad freeze plug cause water in oil?

Yes, a bad freeze plug can potentially allow coolant to leak into the engine and mix with the oil, causing water contamination in the oil. It is important to address freeze plug issues promptly to prevent further damage to the engine.