Yes. She was his sister. He had another sister named Patricia and a older brother. They all died before Luther. Read all about it in the book The Life and Longing of Luther Vandross by Craig Seymour
No, he never had children. It was BELIEVED that he was a closet homosexual.
Dr Andrew Strokon (surgeon)
Ann Wilson, Nancy Wilson and Lynn Wilson are the daughters of Brig. Gen. John B. Wilson USMC. (IMDB, 2021)
no, they are not related because they dont have the same last name or first name. they dont even look alike. and they dont have a sister.
China Ann Mcclain wheres weave.
No, he never had children. It was BELIEVED that he was a closet homosexual.
Ann Sanders was born on 1960-03-15.
Shirley Ann and William Sanders
Shirley Ann and William Sanders
As of 9/2013, Shirley Ann Sanders is still amongst the living.
The cast of Ann - 1967 includes: Ann Lewis Franck Pourcel Dirk Sanders
Harland Sanders, of KFC (Kentucky Fried Chichen) fame's parents were Wilbur David Sanders and Margaret Ann Dunlevy.
The cast of Secret Service Sanders - 1925 includes: Frank Baker Helen Broneau as Celeste Treavors Pierre Coudre Ashton Dearholt as Richard Sanders Ellis Houston Ann Little as Ann Walters
Harland Sanders was born and raised in Indiana by his parents Wilbur David Sanders and Margaret Ann Sanders. There was some scandal as to who really had the idea of inventing KFC. It was a big story that the actual inventer was one of Sanders friend, a black childhood friend named Oconnel.
Dr Andrew Strokon (surgeon)
Yes, she is!