Well, it's not brass, it's iron painted yellow or gold. And it's the frame, not the soundboard - the soundboard is made of spruce. And it's worth whatever you can get for it. Put it on Ebay - you might be surprised!
The Columbus Piano No 8062 is worth over $120,000
Lexington player piano with #677059.What is it worth?
A crotchet is worth the same on the piano as it is in any other instrument. It is a quarter note.
current price, vertical Piano, New England Piano Co. 1881
Vases brass etched set of 3
are just wooden & brass heads w/metal handles wort anything / or collectable ??? worth
the coins is not worth anything but it is a good investment in the futer
The Columbus Piano No 8062 is worth over $120,000
The worth of an antique depends on a few different factors including who you are selling it to and its condition. Since this one is not in pristine condition, it will not fetch quite as much. In general, these pianos may go for a few thousand dollars.
Lexington player piano with #677059.What is it worth?
Not gold and not plated. It's made of manganese brass. (And yes, it's worth something: it's worth one dollar.)
However it reflects in your heart, mine is a self portrait, so i would never part with it, no matter what the price.
A crotchet is worth the same on the piano as it is in any other instrument. It is a quarter note.
The only brass U.S. coins are dollars.
its worth 67.09,00
It is worth about $ 50000