No in fact Justin Bieber is in a Sioux relationship with Selena Gomez and the couple are voted cutest couple yet!
No, Carlos Santana, the musician, is still alive as of March 2014. Carlos Santana, the baseball player, is also still alive.
He is the best soccer player in Colombian history and a legend of the game.He became very famous because of his big blond afro hairstyle.See the related links below for more Carlos Valderrama information.
He just married in Dec.2010 and he is divorced.
Carlos Santana
Selena married to Chris PΓ©rez in 1992
No their different, actually. Carlos Pena Jr is an Actor, famous on BTR [ big time rush] the series on Nickelodeon. while Carlos Pena the baseball player is well, yeah a famour baseball player.
Carlos Pena Jrs. dad is a baseball player his name is Carlos to. im not sure what baseball team he is on but he is a baseball player.
he is a baseball player
No. Even though there is a player named Carlos Pena, the 1st baseman of the Rays, Carlos Pena Jr does not play baseball with the Tampa Bay Rays. Also, Carlos Pena is NOT in anyway related to Carlos Pena Jr.
Carlos Delgado was born June 25, 1972.
Carlos Corporan was born January 7, 1984.
Carlos Velazquez died March 16, 2000.
Carlos Baerga was born November 4, 1968.
Carlos Beltran was born April 24, 1977.
Carlos Bernier was born January 28, 1927.