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You would have to ask Jay-Z what he is thinking, but there are many interesting thoughts on the subject. There is no indication that Jay-Z has ever had any affilition with Jehovah's Witnesses. He may have some knowledge of JW's through a family member. At least on the surface, however, based on the possible criminal activities that he is accused of and has admitted to, he would not be considered a Jehovah's Witness by the congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, whether he has ever had any association with the witnesses or not. It is highly doubtful that he is claiming that he is equal to the God of heaven and earth, but one theory as to his reference to "Jay-Hova" that seems possible is that Jay-Z recognizes that the name of the God of The Bible is Jehovah, and Jay-Z considers himself the god of rap.

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13y ago

Jay Z is not a Jehovah's Witness. It's pretty evident in the type of music he produces. A lot of it glorifies vices, debauchery, and uses profanity, all things which Jehovah's Witnesses try to avoid. Although his alternate name "HOVA" is likely taken from "Jehovah", he is not a part of that religion. Granted, he may have been exposed to it in some way when he was younger.

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13y ago

No he was not
To the best of my knowledge this individual is not one of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Jay-Z is definetely not a Jehovah's Witness.

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