Jackson is a common surname name among blacks in North America.
There is no known relationship between Samuel and Michael.
They aren't related but Michael's grandfather's name was Samuel Jackson
No, Janet Jackson is not related to Skai Jackson.
Randy Jackson of American Idol is not related to Janet.
Yes. See the related links for Janet Jackson's official facebook profile.
Martha Upshaw and Prince Albert Screws (Katherine's parents) Crystal Lee King and Samuel Jackson (Joe's parents)
Janet Jackson doesn't have a daughter.
No, Janet Jackson is not related to Skai Jackson.
Randy Jackson of American Idol is not related to Janet.
Yes. See the related links for Janet Jackson's official facebook profile.
They're not related
Janet Jackson at the Halftime show with Justine Timberlake.
Janet Jackson
Martha Upshaw and Prince Albert Screws (Katherine's parents) Crystal Lee King and Samuel Jackson (Joe's parents)
Janet Jackson doesn't have a daughter.
No, Janet Jackson is not single.
Just because his last name is Jackson, doesn't mean he's related to him! I mean do you think Samuel L Jackson is related to him?