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Q: Is Britney Spears perfume tested on animals?
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No, it is all human tested

Does anyone know if Avon perfume is animal tested?

No, Avon perfume is not tested on animals. Neither are the raw products used to make the perfumes. They have not been tested on animals since 1989.

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Is cerruti 1881 perfume tested on animals?

yes i'm afraid it is.

Is Chloe perfume tested on animals?

No they don'there is a statement about how they source their materials for their products:

Is Stella McCartney Perfume tested on animals?

Stella, developed with YSL Beaute, is made from only organic active ingredients, doesn't use genetically modified raw materials, and was not tested on animals.

Why did Britney Spears shave her head bqld?

Britney Spears is an attention-grabber. She wants public notice, and she will go the distance to get it. It is insane how celebrities these days are such attention-seeking people. They will get attention from the public if they deserve it. Whatever happened to GOOD music? John Lennon, where are you? In heaven, of course. May your soul rest in peace. "Lovely Rita, Meter maid!"

Is tresemme tested on animals?

Tresemme is not tested on animals animals it says on the back of the bottle u by not tested on animals

Is almay tested on animals?

no its not tested on animals

Which cosmetic products doesn't test on animals?

i realy dont know but animal testing is bad i know that and so is testing perfume. Look on the back of a hair dye box and see if is says Dermatoligicly tested. That means that it may be tested on animals. its wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How are perfumes tested on animals?

Currently, perfumes are not tested on animals. However, prior to about 1990, they would be tested on rabbits, generally, with a small amount placed in the eye to see if it caused an inflammatory reaction.

Is rimmel make up tested on animals?

yes is it really tested on animals