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It is B

Edit: Top line of Bass Clef is A. One ledger line above the bass clef would be C. (Middle C if you were reading piano grand staff). The second ledger line would be E.

The second ledger line above the staff in bass clef is E. Not B.

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12y ago
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15y ago

Biggest problem here is which note above the clef?

Do you mean:

  1. the note that lies above the top line of the staff? or
  2. the note that lies on the next line above the staff.


  1. B
  2. C (middle C unless you are reading Bass Guitar or double bass, in which case it it is the C below middle C)
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12y ago

The C note two octaves above middle C on the piano.

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8y ago

The top space is "B" this is sitting on the top line of the base clef the next note up is the "Middle C" called so because its between the 2 clefs

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13y ago

A and C

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Q: In the bass clef the second leger line above the staff is what?
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The staves themselves don't have notes in common. The bottom line of the treble clef staff is E above middle C, and the top line of the bass clef staff is A below middle C. Theoretically, using leger lines, any note could be in common, but it might be hard to read.

What is a bass staff?

A bass staff is a musical staff which opens out with a bass clef.

What is the name of the single note that connects the treble clef to the bass clef?

Middle C, which is one ledger line below the treble staff, and one ledger line above the bass staff.

What is a Staff created by both the BASS STAFF and the TREBLE STAFf?

The Grand Staff

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middle C could be written in bass and treble clefs.

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The Bass Clarinet can be different sizes regarding the person playing it or whether or not the person is standing or sitting. The Bass Clarinet has a stand that is adjustable. By itself, without the stand, its about 11/16". The stand is about one foot.

What note sits in the middle of the grand staff?

Middle C sits in the middle of the grand staff. It is usually depicted on the treble clef staff but can also be written on the bass staff.

How do you read tabs on a bass guitar?

same as regular guitar, minus first and second strings. there are only 4 staff lines.

When the treble clef and bass clef are combined they form what?

They aren't. There are 4 clefs; treble, alto, tenor, bass and you don't combine them into one stave.

What is the bass and treble staffs connected by a brace and a bar line in music?

The grand staff consists of a treble stave and a bass stave. They are connected by a vertical line creating a "system". The presence of this vertical line signifies that the two staves (treble and bass) are to be played at the same time.

What are the staff which F is the fourth line?

bass clefBass clef