The chromatic scale
c - c# - d - d# - e - f - f# - g - g# - a - a# - b
the twelfth of an octave is equal to a semitone ,which is the smallest interval in music an interval is every other note ,the deference of pitch in music,like a major chord.
The musical interval between two notes depends on the ratio of their frequencies. An octave is a ratio of 2:1 and, in equal temperament comprises 12 equal semitones, which therefore have a ratio of 21/12.
A chromatic scale is a scale where each note of it is separated by a semiton - that is - it includes all the notes that exist. C1, C1#, D1, D1#, E1, F1, F1# ... B1, C2, C2#, D2... etc For instance, in a keyboard that would mean you'd play all the white and black keys sucessively.
There are 5 different notes in a slendro scale. Each interval is an equal division of an octave. (i.e. each interval is about 2.2 semitones.)
Sine waves with frequencies in the audio range of 20 Hz to 20 kHz, properly converted to pressure waves in air, can be heard as musical tones. The notes of the musical scale, for the equal tempered scale, are step changes in frequency with the ratio of the twelth root of two, or 1.059463. The sequence of occurence of frequencies is a melodic line. The combination of sine wave of various frequencies is harmonic and chordal structure. If you double the frequency of a sine wave, you get an octave. Triple it and you get an octave and a fifth. Each multiple represents a harmonic, the mixture of which represents timbre. You can also divide the various harmonics by various integers and generate the primary intervals, the minor third, major third, fourth, and fifth. "The Science of Musical Sound", John R. Pierce, Scientific American Library, 1983
Geologists have divided Earth's history into a series of time intervals. These time intervals are not equal in length like the hours in a day. Instead the time intervals are variable in length. This is because geologic time is divided using significant events in the history of the Earth.
There are 100 cents in a semitone, so there are 1200 cents in an octave. Since an octave is equal to doubling the frequency, there are 2 tones (whole steps) in an octave.
In the standard equal-tempered scale in use in nearly all modern Western music, each octave is divided into 12 semitone intervals, where each semitone interval is taken to represent a fixed percentage increase in frequency.An increase in pitch of one octave corresponds to a doubling in frequency (ignoring some subtle psychoacoustic effects near the limits of perception). If we say that each semitone corresponds to an increase of a factor k in frequency, then from the fact that twelve semitones equal one octave we obtain:k12 = 2.Hence, k = 21/12 which is approximately 1.05946. That is, an increase in pitch of one semitone is equivalent to an increase in frequency of about 5.946%.
If 8hours 30minutes is divided into five equal intervals,then each interval is 1hour42minutes.
Usually the intervals in a frequency chart should be equal.
If the speed is constant then equal distances are covered in equal intervals of time If acceleration is constant then equal change in velocity occurs in equal intervals of time.
'Pelog' is a musical scale used in Indonesian music (in Java, Bali, etc). The notes are not like those of the Western standard scale. Not only that, but the octave is not divided up evenly into seven equal parts to represent the seven different notes, but the intervals are uneven. While many Gamelan orchestras (which play this pelog scale) are tuned in a similar way to the tranditional royal gamelans, each village does it slightly differently. When this music is written down, the notes are represented by the numbers 1 to 7 - it is less common to use western musical scores. If this is what you are after, search the internet for Gamelan and Pelog for further details.
The velocity of the body is constant if it covers equal displacements in equal intervals of time. This is because velocity is defined as the rate of change of displacement with respect to time. If the body is covering equal distances at equal intervals, then the velocity remains constant.
Uniform motion.
when a car travels equal distance in equal intervals of time its velocity is uniform and equal
if you want to split a number into equal intervals, start with a number 100 meters. Now find how how many intervals you want 4 intervals Then divide your number by the number of intervals. 100/4 = 25 meters per interval. So you would need to space each interval 25 meters apart if you wanted four of them in a 100 meter space Happy splitting up into intervals, -Jp
Histograma is a Spanish of histogram. Histogram is a bar graph in which data are divided into equal intervals, with a bar for each interval. The height of each bar shows the number of data values in that interval.