The treble clef is a staff. But it is the hightest staff, yes.
A staff symbol represents the notes to play. For example:treble clef is higher then bass clef.
Bass clef
A bass staff is a musical staff which opens out with a bass clef.
The treble clef is a staff. But it is the hightest staff, yes.
A staff symbol represents the notes to play. For example:treble clef is higher then bass clef.
it is the bass clef
Bass clef
A low C on the treble clef (on the first leger line below the staff) joins with a high C on the Bass clef (the first leger line above the staff)
The object placed at the beginning of each staff is called a clef. Clefs determine the pitch range of the notes on the staff.
A bass staff is a musical staff which opens out with a bass clef.
bass clefBass clef
Clefs do not have 'sounds'. They are merely tools to indicate where on the musical stave notes are to be placed. However, the treble clef 'places' higher notes than the bass clef. If a clef is placed in the middle of the staff, then the notes that follow that clef are of that clef. For example, if the bass clef is placed on the treble staff, the notes that follow it are to be interpreted as "bass clef" notes and played using lower notes on the piano. The opposite is true if the treble clef is placed on the bass staff.
One ledger line below the treble clef staff, or one ledger line above the bass clef staff, or the middle line in alto clef, or the 4th line in tenor clef.
One ledger line below the treble clef staff, or one ledger line above the bass clef staff, or the middle line in alto clef, or the 4th line in tenor clef.