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Keep your hands off the retainer. You can put gloves or mittens on since you wouldn't want to touch it with those on. Trust me, they feel strange when wet. If you absentmindedly mess with it while you do something like watching TV, put a rock in each of your hands. When holding this, you won't have a free hand to mess with your retainer. When you go so long without messing with it, reward yourself with a little treat. That could give you something to work towards.

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Do retainers stop nail biting?

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If you wear a retainer to correct the alignment of your teeth will the shape of your jaw change permanently?

no, if you stop wearing the retainer the teeth will move back, your jaw bone dosent change!

If you stop wearing a retainer what will happen?

I can tell you from personal experience that your teeth will become crooked again.

Dose a retainer help stop nail biting?

yes. But then your son/daughter looks like a nouget.

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Retainment is a word meaning "to keep." The whole idea is that you have something, now you need to keep it in place. "The grocery store had problems with their retainment policy for employees."

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you will want to leave it on forever because if you stop wearing it your braces will not work and your teeth will move they can go back to normal or get worse if you don't wear your retainer

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i stop my friend playing in the grass by telling him can you please stop playing in the grass.

How will a retainer work?

See, What will a retainer do.

Can teeth braces stay for a lifetime?

they don't keep your teeth straight forever unless you wear your retainer after wards for a few years but if you even stop wearing your retainer for a few nights you will see your teeth starting to back to the way they were before. so orthodontists recommend wearing your retainer for at least 3 years after you get your braces out.

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Stop Playing with My Heart was created in 1984.

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