The Blue Book of Pianos shows that Bradbury manufactured pianos with serial number 98000 to 125000 between 1930 - 1935. Given that information, your Baby Grand with serial 118453 was mot likely built sometime in 1932 - 1934.
Looking for weser Baby Grand # 20079
The serial number is actually 5478!
What is the age of my farrand baby grand piano i just bought. serial number 81768
In dating a Baldwin by serial number, knowing whether it is an upright or grand piano is important, as each of these was serialized separately. In this case, a baby grand with serial 18987 would have been built in 1912.
Between 1930-1935.
The serial key is "gtapunjab"
I want to know the same thing, mine has a different serial number. my serial number is A185568
Looking for weser Baby Grand # 20079
The serial number is actually 5478!
What is the age of my farrand baby grand piano i just bought. serial number 81768
october 1943
In dating a Baldwin by serial number, knowing whether it is an upright or grand piano is important, as each of these was serialized separately. In this case, a baby grand with serial 18987 would have been built in 1912.