As of the year 2011 2Pac would of been 40 years old. He was born June 16, 1971.
Tupac would be 40 years old as of this June 16 (2011).
If 2Pac were still to be alive he would be 38 years old as his birthday is June 16 1971
where is 2pac is he dead or Not? no he is not dead he is on a island if he was dead then how did he send his mother a ring and alll of that he is stael a live he is not in the united states and yes he got shot but he dead of old age in 2008 thank you bye
of course 2pac...but eminem has a different rapstyle then 2pac did...
As of the year 2011 2Pac would of been 40 years old. He was born June 16, 1971.
Tupac would be 40 years old as of this June 16 (2011).
He was 25.
he was 17
If 2Pac were still to be alive he would be 38 years old as his birthday is June 16 1971
2Pac was 25 years old when he died on September 13, 1996.
He was 25 years old
He was 25.
i think he will be 59 he died in 1996
where is 2pac is he dead or Not? no he is not dead he is on a island if he was dead then how did he send his mother a ring and alll of that he is stael a live he is not in the united states and yes he got shot but he dead of old age in 2008 thank you bye
of course 2pac...but eminem has a different rapstyle then 2pac did...