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First... a les paul is made by Gibson. two, it depends on the quality you are looking for. Are you looking just for

the look of a les paul or the sound of a les paul?

if just for look you can get a Epiphone les paul, a low to medium-high quality guitar for $200 to $2000 new.

or if you want quality and resale value ect. go with Gibson less paul and those start at about $800 new for the basics up to $25,000.

now Fender Has a wide range and makes of Guitars

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Les Paul Special guitars come in various styles and colors. These are available from multiple retail stores such as Guitar Center and Sweetwater from $129-$149.

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Would a fender neck fit a les paul?

no, it wouldn't. also, fender necks are bolt on, les paul necks are glued in.

What is the best kind of guitar?

either a fender or a les paul

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More valuable then a machine made 1959 Les Paul guitar.

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Is a gender stratocaster better than a Gibson les paul?

i think they are just about the same. i have a fender stratocaster so i say fender

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Gibson les paul if u got the money. fender strat is pretty versatile too.

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no. The first guitar goes back for along time, but cant be traced back farther than the 1500's. The first electric guitar was made by Adolph Rickenbacker, But this was a semi hollow body, meaning there were still sound holes like in acoustics. Eventually a man named Les Paul created the first Solid body guitar( obviously called the Les Paul), and Leo fender created one not long after him (called the Fender broadcaster, soon changed to stratocaster) I hope this helped

How much money did Les Paul make in his lifetime?

I believe he started before he was 15, and he lived to be 94, so he played for about 80 years

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Alex turner use a fender jazzmaster and ovation viper

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Les Paul thru a Fender Amp

What is the most famous electric guitar?

The most famous brands or guitars are probably the fender stratocaster, fender telecaster, Les paul, Epiphone, Ibanez and Gibson

Which is louder a Fender Stratocaster or a Gibson Les Paul?

Totally depends on which amp you use and what song you play :P.