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Q: How much money do Lady Gaga's dancers make?
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Related questions

What is with lady gagas shoulders?

Prosthetic shoulders placed by her make up artist

Can dancers make a lot of money?

Yes Dancers can makea lot of money they can make up to 200-3000 dollars a night.

Whoes Lady Gagas boyfriend?

Lady Gaga and boyfriend Taylor Kinney are back together!God I seriously hope they make some babies asap!

What is the middle of the money ballet dancers make?

Ballet dancers are paid $15,000-$30,000 US dollars on average annually. However this depends on the level of the company and its prestige, and the position you hold in the company. For example, dancers at American Ballet Theatre make more money than dancers at the Portland Ballet Company. Also, principal dancers will make much more than dancers in the corps de ballet.

Do dancers make a lot of money?

They make up to 200-3000 dollars a night.

Do jazz dancers make a lot of money?

It depends if you are good enough.

How were Lady Gagas eyes so big?

The people who directed it probably put fake eyes on her or they probably have stuff in the computer to make her eyes look big.

Why do Irish dancers were wigs?

They wear wigs because of the stereotype that all Irish dancers have curly hair. Someone came up with the idea to make curly wigs to make money and dancers have been wearing them ever since.

How much does Justin Bieber pay his back up dancers?

i think dancers earn $17.00 i think dancers earn $17.00

How much money do the professional dancers make?

About Just Under 1 Million A Year.

How do performers agents make there money?

They take a percentage of the dancers wage for their service of promoting and arranging auditions.

How much money did the My Fair Lady make?
