Taylor Swifts net worth is $50 million as of January 2010i got this answer from www.hollyworth.com this website tells you all about celebrities net worth and movie budgets
There is no specific price to an autograph. You just have to agree on a reasonable price.
a lot cuz she's amazing
less then ur ex girlfriend
she can kind of speak it not that much
How much would a tonto autograph be worth
Taylor Swifts net worth is $50 million as of January 2010i got this answer from www.hollyworth.com this website tells you all about celebrities net worth and movie budgets
how much is a signed autograph on a cd cover worth of madonna?
No. An autograph devalues a card. It makes the card worth as much as the autograph, and a fake autograph is worth nothing.
how much is a Oscar de la hoya autograph worth
Strictly based on the piece the autograph is on!
This will depend upon what his autograph is in. If you have a signed poster, it will be worth close to $50.
it iz worth 1,200