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Less than minimum wage. WW pretends to pay minimum wage, but because of requirements like sending emails to managers, re-ordering supplies, re-stocking, filling out endless paperwork and other various seemingly invisible duties, one tends to make about half of minimum wage (we have one meeting a week here- called a 'traveler' location). The other employees & I agreed it was basically volunteer! Then we found out the CEO makes $650k +bonuses and huge profits for the company. It's great for our community but awful for us. I work about 5-6 hours per week and make $21 before taxes. If you work in a permanent location it may be different.

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How much is a Weight watchers shake?

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It is hard to find actualy Weight Watchers coupons. If you go on the Weight Watchers website, however, you can find coupons for as much as 25% off.

How much does is cost yearly for Weight Watchers Magazine?

A one year subscription to Weight Watchers Magazine is free with a subscription to Weight Watchers or it can be purchased at magazine stands for $1.58 per issue.

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Weight Watchers costs depends on the location that you join. Each location may have different pricing so it is hard to tell the price of weight watchers for a whole country.

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from weight watchers! and she is lookin good

Does Weight Watchers work?

Weight watchers works just fine, as long as you follow the instructions. WW doesn't work if you cheat with how much and what you're eating.

What is the weight watchers website?

The official website of Weight Watchers is You can get so much help for your weight loss journey on their website. They offer calorie counters, meal planners and community forums.

If on Weight Watchers how much pasta for one?

That depends on the individual pasta.

How much money does Weight Watchers pay Jennifer Hudson?
