There is one point for the Weight Watchers sour cream.
Weight watchers point are "Rewards points" that you earn for being on weight watchers for a certain amount of time, and spending a certain amount of money.
Weight Watchers is always updating their programs to try to make everyone's life easier.
There is 1 Weight Watchers point in a small wheat tortilla.
1/2 a point !
3 points
There is one point for the Weight Watchers sour cream.
There are many companies and websites that offer Weight Watchers point calculator tool online. Some of these websites that offer the calculator are Weight Watchers and Calculator Cat.
Weight watchers point are "Rewards points" that you earn for being on weight watchers for a certain amount of time, and spending a certain amount of money.
Weight Watchers is always updating their programs to try to make everyone's life easier.
There is 1 Weight Watchers point in a small wheat tortilla.
Here is the site for Weight Watchers or try this site Weight Watchers Point Calculator
The Weight Watchers Calculator.
You should check weight watchers brand food, it is labled on the packaging as point value. You can find weight watchers recipes on their website, and sometimes their packages contain recipes.
Point reduction helps, because it helps with portion control.