

Best Answer

The answer to the question depends on the definition of piano tuner. If you assume the question refers to professional piano tuners only, and includes those professional piano tuners who are not exclusively piano tuners, the number could be approximated as follows:

Number of piano tuners in the world = (number of pianos that are periodically tuned in the world / average number of years between tunes for a periodically tuned piano) / average number of pianos tuned per year by piano tuners.


The number of pianos in the world = (the population of the world / number of people per household) * the number of pianos per household.

The number of periodically tuned pianos in the world = the number of pianos in the world * the percentage of pianos that are periodically tuned.


The population of the world = 7,000,000,000
Number of people per household = 5.5
Number of pianos per household = 0.02
Percentage of pianos that are periodically tuned = 40%
Average number of years between tunes for a periodically tuned piano = 5
Average number of pianos tuned per year by piano tuners = 100

Number of piano tuners in the world = (7,000,000,000 / 5.5 * 0.02 * 40%) / 5 / 100 = 20,364

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Correct Answer-

"All of them!" any other answer is just a guess, I may become an amateur piano tuner tomorrow (I am sure there is a Dummies guide) and I will not be in anyone's count.

Old Answer-

First of all how many pianos are there in the world? Then how often are they tuned on average and how many pianos can a tuner tune in, say, a year.

There are 6.5 billion people so call that 2 billion households of which about 15% are in wealthier countries

Assume that about 5% of households in the world's wealthier countries have pianos and say, 0.1% in the rest. So that's about 5% of 1 billion.

So 300m x 1/20=15m plus 1.7bn x 1/1000=17m. Total=317m pianos

Assume each on average is tuned once every 5 years (some more often, many never). Thus about 63m pianos are tuned per year on average.

Assume a tuner can tune 3 pianos a day. in a working year that's about 600 pianos a year (allowing for holidays, sickness etc).

So there would be a market for around 100,000 piano tuners.

I would say you can not know how mane piano tuners there are. Every second there are manufactured new ones. Some smashed, other burnt.

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There are about 90 Tuners which are members of The Piano technicians Guild in the NYC Chapter. How many are not members I am not sure about.

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As of August 2010 there are 5 properly qualified piano tuner/technicians in Hobart. Average age is 50+ with 2 being semi-retired.

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Over 250,000

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You can find a list of piano tuners in Toronto namely pianoinside, bestpiano,torontopianosale etc.They provide with tuning as well as moving,buying,selling etc.

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Since Odessa is in the Ukraine and not in Russia, the answer is "zero".

How do you locate piano tuners in your area of NC?

In order to thoroughly answer that question I would need the city in NC. However I can say that you can input "piano tuners *city* *state*" and get a list of sites that should contain this information. The phone book would also be a useful source to find stores that sell musical equipment.

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