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A beginner's Oboe can play from a B (the one right below middle c) to a high f (several ledger lines above the treble clef staff) A professional oboe can play the B flat below the B that a beginner's oboe plays.

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13y ago
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15y ago

A conventional contemporary enligh semi-automatic thumb plate professional model oboe has 24 keys (including trill keys).

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12y ago

normally, 21, but I have seen one with 22. it had two back keys. many of these keys though are just another way to push down the same key, and are for alternate fingerings

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10y ago

On a professional oboe, there are 19 keys.

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11y ago

It has 24 keys including the trill keys.

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14y ago

24 keys plus the trill keys so 27 keys

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What plays lower oboe or bass clarinet?

The bass clarinet plays lower notes than the oboe.

What makes beautiful oboe notes?

Bagpipes. Honk!

Does an oboe have clarienet notes?

well the oboe and clarinet have very similar fingering so it all depends on what note

What notes can the oboe play?

A standard oboe can play a 13-note range - from a low B to a high G.

What notes does the oboe play?

It plays every note. The Oboe is a double reed instrument and has a 4 - 5 octave range. If you can hear low and high notes the Oboe can play them. The bassoon plays the lower octaves, it is also a double reed instrument.

What determine the Oboe's high and low notes?

octave keys

What Musical instrument that starts with o?

OBOEThe oboe is similar to the clarinet in many ways. Both are made from wood and have metal keys that can produce many notes rapidly. Unlike the clarinet, the oboe does not have a mouthpiece, but has two reeds tied together. By placing them between one's lips and blowing air through them, the reeds vibrate and produce a sound.

On the oboe is G natural the same as A natural?

No, they are two different notes.

What are the notes to Grieg's Morning Mood?

what are the notes to part 2 of morning mood

How many keys are on an Oboe?

There are 8 keys on an oboe.

Is the clarinet higher in pitch than the oboe?

No, the flute is much higher than the saxophone and gets up to higher octaves. The most equivalent instrument to it's own kind would probably be the oboe. Piccolo is the highest instrument, which is part of the flute family.

How many holes are in an oboe?

There are 8 keys on an oboe.