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Q: How many lines does Zaneeta Shinn have in the Music Man?
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How many parts does Gracie Shinn have in the music man?

Are you sure that's man and not just an extreme case of adult female?

How many lines were on a musical staff from the medieval time preiod?

There was no specific number of lines for a medieval musical staff. Some of the music was written with no lines at all. Some had one line, and others four. A lot of music was written in tablature notation, with a line for each string on the instrument that was used to play the music.

What are the 3 lines of music in piano sheet music?

Forms of music definitely varied and changed based on the time period, but you could consider the most basic forms to be the concerto, sonata, etude, prelude, waltz, and nocturne. However, there are many, many other types of piano music.

What is the plot of the music man?

Professor Harold Hill - a con artist and traveling salesman who tries Iowa after saturating Illinois; he falls for MarianMarian Paroo - the town librarian and part-time piano teacher; eventually falls for Harold HillMarcellus Washburn - Harold's old friend, no longer a con man, who's dating his boss's niece, Ethel ToffelmierMayor George Shinn - a proud local politician prone to saying nonsensical phrases, tries to control town but can't even control his own familyMrs. Paroo - Marian's Irish motherTommy Djilas - a young man "from the wrong side of town" who is secretly seeing Zaneeta Shinn; Harold encourages their relationship and makes him assistant band leaderZaneeta Shinn - the mayor's oldest daughter; secretly seeing Tommy DjilasWinthrop Paroo - Marian's shy, lisping, brother who hardly ever talks since the death of his fatherEulalie Mackecknie Shinn - the mayor's wife; a grand dame whom Harold appoints head of the "Ladies' Auxiliary Society for the Classic Dance"The Barbershop Quartet - four bickering businessmen and school board members united by Harold (Olin Britt, Oliver Hix, Ewart Dunlop and Jacey Squires)Pickalittle Ladies - Eulalie's four gossipy friends, Alma Hix, Mrs. Squires, Ethel Toffelmier and Maud DunlopAmaryllis - Marian's young piano studentCharlie Cowell - an anvil salesman who tries to expose Prof. Harold Hill as a con manConstable Locke - the town sheriffGracie Shinn - the mayor's youngest daughter

I am currently in the process of writing a song for an incredible friend. Does it matter whether the lines in a verse sum up to 8 lines?

Absolutely not. It's your song, so make it how ever many lines you want. That's the best part about writing music: virtually no rules.

What does a basic music staff look like?

A musical scale resembles a flight of stairs as it ascends or decends on the respective lines and spaces on the staff. provides an example of the Major scale (see Related Links).

How many lines does a ballad?

it does not matter how many lines

How many lines does a ballad have?

it does not matter how many lines

How many lines does a rectangle have?

How many lines of symmetry does a rectangle have

How many lines per stanza can be heard in conventional blues?

Conventional blues typically have three lines per stanza. The first two lines often repeat and rhyme, while the third line provides a resolution or twist to the narrative. This structure is commonly known as the AAB form in blues music.

How many lines of latititude are there?

There are no real lines. But conceptually there are infinitely many.

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