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they have 8 legs.

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Q: How many legs does have scorpion?
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Does a scorpion have many legs?

A scorpion has eight legs. Its large pincers in front are not legs but are modified appendages called pedipalps.

How many legs have a scorpion?

A scorpion has eight legs. Its large pincers in front are not legs but are modified appendages called pedipalps.

How many legs does scorpion?

Scorpions have 12 appendages total, 8 being legs.

What is the difference between a coin scorpion and trap scorpion bakugan?

that a coin scorpion doesn't have legs and a trap scorpion has four legs

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catepilers are colurful milepedes are orange

Why is a scorpion a arachnid?

All arachnids have eight legs. Scorpions have eight legs. Therefore a scorpion is an arachnid

Why does a scorpion not an insect?

its because a scorpion is a arachnid it has 8 legs

Is the scorpion a arachnids or an insect?

The scorpion is not an insect. but, The scorpion is an arachnid, and an arthropod.

Does a scorpion have jointed legs?

yes... they have... they are invertebrates and have jointed legs...

Does scorpion's have 8 legs?

Yes they do

How do you build a Scorpion from LEGO?

by making the body and legs and claws like the atlantis scorpion

What is the animal that has six legs?

Scorpion, spider