On our Weight Watcher plan, one-half cup of uncooked oats is usually aroung 4 points.
This is what is called "rounding error". A single slice of bacon is about one and a half Weight Watchers points, but Weight Watchers doesn't deal with partial points, it's a whole number, in this case one, and the "plus" signals something over. Call it one and a half... and so two slices would be one plus one plus a half plus a half, which would be three.
1 cup of cooked blue crab is 3 Point or 5 Set Points.
A half cup of Grape Nuts cereal is typically around 6 Weight Watchers points. This point value is based on the nutritional content of the cereal, including factors such as calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein. Weight Watchers uses a proprietary algorithm to calculate points for different foods, taking into account their impact on weight loss and overall health goals.
One half or 1 cup of cantaloupe is given a one point value at Weight Watchers. Cantaloupe not only provides a flavorful snack, but it provides vitamins A and C, potassium and fiber.
On our Weight Watcher plan, one-half cup of uncooked oats is usually aroung 4 points.
Two points plus. (One "old" point.) See also:Losing weight
On our Weight Watcher plan, one-half cup of uncooked oats is usually aroung 4 points.
This is what is called "rounding error". A single slice of bacon is about one and a half Weight Watchers points, but Weight Watchers doesn't deal with partial points, it's a whole number, in this case one, and the "plus" signals something over. Call it one and a half... and so two slices would be one plus one plus a half plus a half, which would be three.
1 cup of cooked blue crab is 3 Point or 5 Set Points.
A half cup of Grape Nuts cereal is typically around 6 Weight Watchers points. This point value is based on the nutritional content of the cereal, including factors such as calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein. Weight Watchers uses a proprietary algorithm to calculate points for different foods, taking into account their impact on weight loss and overall health goals.
According to the Weight Watchers program which uses points rather than calories, an egg is 2 points. Also under Weight Watchers, a 3 ounce portion of lean meat is 5 points. The equivalent amount of eggs would, therefore be two and a half eggs.
Each tablespoon of sugar has one Weight Watcher point. A tablespoon contains three teaspoons. See also:Losing weight
It depends on the intensity. half an hour for a walk is what I've always gone with. Any harder, make it one point
Here's what I would recommend. V8 juice has zero points if you add half a stick of butter, and blend it together really well. This counter acts any calories. Good luck!