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Q: How many Weight Watchers points in half a cantaloupe?
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How how many weight watcher points are in a cucumber?

One half or 1 cup of cantaloupe is given a one point value at Weight Watchers. Cantaloupe not only provides a flavorful snack, but it provides vitamins A and C, potassium and fiber.

How many Weight Watchers points is half a cup of oatmeal?

On our Weight Watcher plan, one-half cup of uncooked oats is usually aroung 4 points.

How many points for half cup homemade mac and cheese on weight watchers?


How many weight watchers points plus are in a half cup of cheerios?

Two points plus. (One "old" point.) See also:Losing weight

How many weight watchers points is a cup of oatmeal?

On our Weight Watcher plan, one-half cup of uncooked oats is usually aroung 4 points.

Why is it one slice of bacon is one weight watcher points plus and two pieces is three points?

This is what is called "rounding error". A single slice of bacon is about one and a half Weight Watchers points, but Weight Watchers doesn't deal with partial points, it's a whole number, in this case one, and the "plus" signals something over. Call it one and a half... and so two slices would be one plus one plus a half plus a half, which would be three.

How many Weight Watchers points in imitation crab?

1 cup of cooked blue crab is 3 Point or 5 Set Points.

How many Weight Watchers points is a half cup of Grape Nuts cereal?

A half cup of Grape Nuts cereal is typically around 6 Weight Watchers points. This point value is based on the nutritional content of the cereal, including factors such as calories, saturated fat, sugar, and protein. Weight Watchers uses a proprietary algorithm to calculate points for different foods, taking into account their impact on weight loss and overall health goals.

How many eggs would it take to equal a three-ounce portion of lean?

According to the Weight Watchers program which uses points rather than calories, an egg is 2 points. Also under Weight Watchers, a 3 ounce portion of lean meat is 5 points. The equivalent amount of eggs would, therefore be two and a half eggs.

How many Weight Watchers points in a teaspoon of sugar?

Each tablespoon of sugar has one Weight Watcher point. A tablespoon contains three teaspoons. See also:Losing weight

How many points do you get if you work out for an hour on Weight Watchers?

It depends on the intensity. half an hour for a walk is what I've always gone with. Any harder, make it one point

How many Weight Watchers points in V8 juice?

Here's what I would recommend. V8 juice has zero points if you add half a stick of butter, and blend it together really well. This counter acts any calories. Good luck!