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how may weight watcher points in the endulge atkin bar

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Weight Watchers is one of the most well known diet programs that many people follow. They do not necessarily count calories but rather give their followers a set of points they need to stay at or under. A protein bar can cost between 3 and 11 points on Weight Watchers.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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βˆ™ 15y ago

i think 32

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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βˆ™ 12y ago


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βˆ™ 12y ago


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βˆ™ 4y ago

What r the wwe pts in lemon bars

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βˆ™ 4y ago

chocolate peanut butter pretzel bar

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Does Weight Watchers have a special line of snack items?

Yes, they make snack bars and snack cakes.

How Atkins Food Helps you Lose Weight?

Atkins food, or that food which is recommended on the Atkins Diet, can help you lose weight because the high protein fills you up without many calories. One of the most important aspects of the diet is that you learn to cook your own meals, rather than relying on processed foods. Foods that you cook at home generally contain fewer calories, less salt, and less sugar than restaurant meals. You do not need to buy Atkins shakes or bars to lose weight. In fact, you will lose more weight by reaching for healthy fruit or peanut butter dipped veggies instead of the bars filled with sweeteners.

Where can one purchase some meal replacement bars for an Atkins diet?

Meal replacement bars for an Atkins diet are useful for people who want to have a low carbohydrate diet. They can be purchased at 'LowCarbMegastore' and 'Netrition'.

Do south beach diet bars have more protein than Atkins diet bars?

In the Chocolate High protein bar by South Beach there are 8g of protein. The Atkins Advantage Bar has 10g of protein. There are less calories(140) in the South Beach where the Atkins has 170 calories.

Can you have Slimfast on Weight Watchers?

AnswerNo. It will actually make you gain weight. I've known people who have done both at the same time and have gained five to ten pounds. The diet plans do not mix well. Slim fast is a "quick fix" because no one can drink shakes everyday and small bars. However, Weight Watchers is a change in life style using portion control. If you mix both the result will be disappointing.

13 candy bars weigh 26 ounces.What is the weight of 35 candy bars?

35 candy bars weight is 70 ounces.

You can not find Atkins candybars in stores where can you get them?

Hello, I buy all of my Atkins bars and shakes from Here is a link to their Atkins section. Their prices are very low and they have great customer service.!