For chords the same ones can be played on either instrument, they just vary depending on the strings and key it is tuned in.
the ukulele chords are C, G, F, and Em. ( i have no idea what the guitar chords are. srry )
Go to Ultimate Guitar. It's the same!! :)
In the 'Related Links' section, there is a link to a website containing the ukulele chords for 'This is the First Day of my Life' by 'Bright Eyes'.
Yes, particularly if you are playing chords. Individual notes are a bit more difficult.
Not really. The standard ukulele tuning is very different then a guitar. The bass ukulele could be tuned from a bass guitar.
the ukulele chords are C, G, F, and Em. ( i have no idea what the guitar chords are. srry )
Go to Ultimate Guitar. It's the same!! :)
In the 'Related Links' section, there is a link to a website containing the ukulele chords for 'This is the First Day of my Life' by 'Bright Eyes'.
Yes, particularly if you are playing chords. Individual notes are a bit more difficult.
Pretty much any music store. Particularly check the guitar section, many of them will have ukulele chords and fingering as well as the guitar. Many books stores, particularly online, will have a full selection of song books that you can purchase specifically for the ukulele. For many years most piano music also contained ukulele music.
The chords are G, C and D :)
The fingering shapes are the same, but they are different chords. You can use a web site like Chordie that will allow you to see the different chord fingerings for various tunings and instruments by selecting them.
Not really. The standard ukulele tuning is very different then a guitar. The bass ukulele could be tuned from a bass guitar.
Ukulele Tabs web site has it at the link below.
The chords are D# Cm G# and A# :)
The link below has the links to the ukulele chords for Happy.
It would be difficult to say which was harder. But the guitar has 6 strings and a ukulele only 4. That makes the ukulele easier to learn most of the chords on. Depending on the type of music, it may be easier to learn certain songs on the guitar.