Hold the button RCL and change the time by pressing up and down on the tune buttons if your car radio doesnt have the RCL buttun use the buttone that changes the view from clock to radio station.
You can set the clock on the Chevrolet S 10 pickup truck radio by holding in the power button and advancing the clock with the tuning button. The tuning button will move the clock setting forward or backwards.
if the radio came out of same truck nothing is needed to do should be already set up and vin in radio. if you switched radio from another truck into this one it needs to be programmed and set up at a dealer.
I have a 97, hope it is the same. You hit the set button, and the hour will flash, you use either the scan, or seek button to change it. one does the hour, the other the minute. When you have the correct time, hit set again, and there you go.
Radio controlled watches use radio waves that are set by synchronizing a time code that are transmitted by a radio transmitter. These radio controlled watches are used to set and display the time accurately.
I'd recommend http://www.DelcoLockCodes.com. They can get the code for any locked Delco radio. Good luck!
to set time turn it off and use select
if the radio came out of same truck nothing is needed to do should be already set up and vin in radio. if you switched radio from another truck into this one it needs to be programmed and set up at a dealer.
some older units from the 80's 90's are Fujitsu ten eclipse and Panasonic 2000 are Panasonic jbl and delco , yes delco if your Toyota radio buttons are peeling off you have a delco radio
hold in the "clock" button until the time comes up then turn use the volume and channel controls to adjust.
The 'P" button searches the next programmed station that the radio is set
Tune radio to desired station, press desired number and hold that button down for several seconds, station is now set to that number.
whats a radio
*Turn off the radio press the 'set time' button while pressing the radio station buttons to set the time..
I have a 97, hope it is the same. You hit the set button, and the hour will flash, you use either the scan, or seek button to change it. one does the hour, the other the minute. When you have the correct time, hit set again, and there you go.
Radio controlled watches use radio waves that are set by synchronizing a time code that are transmitted by a radio transmitter. These radio controlled watches are used to set and display the time accurately.
If it was factory... it is a Delco.
Delco Radio products can be bought in most electronic and car audio specialist stores. They can also be bought online at MNR Electronics and Car Audio Units websites.
With the key turned on, and the radio turned off, you press the SET button, then use your seek and scan buttons to set the time.