On my 1995 Saab I believe the way to set a radio station button was to 1.Manually tune in the station you want and 2.Press and hold the button you want to store the setting in. Hold the button for a few seconds...when the sound on the radio comes back on, the station is saved and you can release the button. Note if you release the button too quickly rather than saving the new setting you will go to the old setting on the button. Hope that helps, Paul.
to set time turn it off and use select
I don't know where you can find the internet radio stations. You can call in to the local radio stations and they should have that information for you.
Never knew that there was a security code for the radio, just set the stations etc.
The number of TV is ONE, radio stations are currently more than 10
There are many radio stations that play music from the 60s. Examples of radio stations that play music from the 60s includes Live365 Internet Radio and the 60s Radio at TuneIn.
Anytime a battery cable is disconnected you have to reprogram the set radio stations
to set time turn it off and use select
push and hold
I don't know where you can find the internet radio stations. You can call in to the local radio stations and they should have that information for you.
My code was 1156 or 1165 I don't know if this will help you
Never knew that there was a security code for the radio, just set the stations etc.
The number of TV is ONE, radio stations are currently more than 10
On older radios there was a "trim" adjustment. Don't know if newer ones still have this. At the rear of the radio next to where the antenna plugs in is a little screw Set the radio to a weaker station around 1400 and adjust this screw until radio reception is best at this location and that should allow other stations to come in. Good luck
There are many radio stations that play music from the 60s. Examples of radio stations that play music from the 60s includes Live365 Internet Radio and the 60s Radio at TuneIn.
India Today has 3 Radio stations
she owns 2 radio stations
It means "autostore." You use it for creating radio presets.