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Never heard of this but I have had some onery tubes in the past. Cut the power off the light. Grab the tube and turn it anticlockwise 1/2 turnv while pulling down lightly No? Then try clockwise. No?

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Bria Cummings

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3y ago
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6y ago

It depends on the exact type of dome fixture.

1. Some have 3 screws holding the globe in. It is just a matter of unscrewing all 3 thumb screws most of the way and wiggling the globe loose. To put it back, you make the lip of the globe clear the screws so the globe is flush with the fixture and then evenly tighten all the screws.

2. For some, the globe screws into the fixture. If there are no visible screws, and the globe doesn't want to shift and has no give to it if you lightly tug at it, then you can try unscrewing the globe. If that works, then it is just a matter of screwing the globe back on when you are done with the bulb.

3, Then of course are the kind that are held together with a leaf spring. They are very tricky, and this type is often installed in hard to reach locations. You have to carefully pry the globe and if you can reach the springs, you should push them with your fingers to take pressure off the inside of the globe, and you keep pulling the globe. Putting it back together is more difficult, since you have to bend the spring leaves back out and feed them into the globe, and maybe pull at the globe to keep it from slamming into the fixture and breaking.

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12y ago

Remove the clear lense of the dome light. They just clip in place. Behind the lense where the bulb is you should see a couple screws that mount the light to the headliner. Remove those screws and drop out the light fixture. You should have 1 or 2 wires maximum to disconnect on the rear. You should just have to pull the tab up to disconnect them. They are typically not hard wired in.

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15y ago

pop off the lens and remove bulb

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Q: How do you remove the dome light in a jeep Cherokee sport?
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