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c#3times c d# g#a#2times g#2times a# g#4times croll

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Q: How do you play the simpsons theme on xylophone?
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Will Lisa Simpson on the title theme of The Simpsons play the Main Simpsons Theme on the newer series of the Simpsons?

I Hope she does cause the Simpsons theme song sounds better!

How do you play family guy theme on xylophone and what are the notes?

with mallets

How do you play the Simpsons theme on tenor saxophone?

or trumpet...or in any Bb instrument

Who wrote The Simpsons theme?

Danny Elfman wrote the theme song for the cartoon television hit show The Simpsons. The song plays during the opening sequence.

When will Lisa play the main theme of The Simpsons in the opening credit of the newer Simpsons?

I prefer the Main Theme of The Simpsons because all those other tunes aren't The Simpsons and are not great but the Main Theme is way better then any other of the themes, so please if theres any 2013-14-15-16-17-18-19-20 episodes return to the Main Theme of the simpsons on Lisas Saxaphone!

How do you get The Simpsons theme song music to play on violin?

C e f# a e d a f#f#f# g f#f#f#g - Do a google search for "Simpsons Theme Song Sheet Music".

What are the notes and rhythm for The Simpsons theme song for viola?

viola notes to the simpsons theme song?

How do you play the Simpson's theme song on trombone?

Do a web search for The Simpsons Theme Trombone& you'll find sheet music & instructional videos.

What music did 'Xylophone Man' play?

xylophone music

What is the style of The Simpsons theme?


Is the xylophone iPhone ringtone from the theme song of The Odd Couple?


If you play the Simpsons theme song on the piano in a movie and they show the movie on TV can you be popular at high school?

You most likely will.