There is a Baldwin Organ In my church that I would like to get repaired. How can the company help us to restore it?
I have a Baldwin Bulit orgasonic organ. I don't have a book with it. How do I identify this instrument and get instructions with it?
Where can you find a service manual for a Baldwin c601 organ? Look online to find an organ store or someone that works on them. Start there and then go further online, looking through ebay, and other websites that contain information on how to find stuff.
Yes, it is.
How much would a Baldwin MCX 2100 made in 1986 likely be worth?
524 lbs
I have a Baldwin Bulit orgasonic organ. I don't have a book with it. How do I identify this instrument and get instructions with it?
Hooking up a Leslie to a 46h Baldwin organ if really simple. All you have to do is take each end of the wire which should be colored coded and hooks them to the color coded taps on the Baldwin organ.
Where can you find a service manual for a Baldwin c601 organ? Look online to find an organ store or someone that works on them. Start there and then go further online, looking through ebay, and other websites that contain information on how to find stuff.
on average 300
on average 300
You can find a list of organs made by Baldwin from 1990-2000 by searching through vintage organ catalogs, online forums or websites dedicated to musical instruments, contacting Baldwin directly for archived information, or checking with local organ enthusiasts or collectors who may have records of models produced during that time period.
Yes, it is.
Aound $100
by takeing it apart
How much would a Baldwin MCX 2100 made in 1986 likely be worth?
380lbs without the detachable pedal board which weighs another 70lbs