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Sorry, you can't. led's are not light bulbs, ergo they have no filiment. They seldom fail. You can test the device, by unsoldering one end so it is isolated from circuitry, Then use a volt-ohm-meter on a high scale for ohms. place the leads from the meter (one lead on one end, the other on the other led lead. It is just a diode and should conduct in one direction only. if you get an open on the first try, reverse the meter leads and if the ratio is > 20 to 1 after reversing the leads, the LED is good, and you either have a voltage bias problem or a bad soldier connection. So the diode only conducts in one direction, if it doesn't conduct in either direction the led has an open junction, and is bad. If it conducts in both directions it has shorted junction. remember to keep your fingers off the leads because you are a high resistance impedance, and will give a false reading. Leds have a MTTF of about 20 years depending on the on/off time and current drawn when biased on. sorry MTTF= mean time to failure.

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Remove faceplate. underneath will be a pin sized hole for a pin or paperclip to be inserted. This will RESET the unit. also, use a pencil reaser to clean the contacts on the backside of the faceplate. Good Luck.

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Q: How do you fix an LED display on a Alpine radio?
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How do you fix the radio and heater display to work in a 2004 Honda?

there is no fix for this except to buy a new audio unit from the dealer. unless you still have a factory warranty then it will be replaced at no charge to you. this is a common problem with accords with that type of radio.

How do you fix H2 Hummer radio display light when radio works?

The problem is reported on many web sites. The power supply board for the display gets to warm and melts some of the solder connections. You will need to remove the radio from the dash. Remove the display panel from the radio and the top cover panel. When facing the front of the radio, there is a small board on the left side of the radio. It is held in place by two bendable tabs, one at the front of the radio and the other in the circle in the metal housing (both are in an area of white paint). You will also need to remove the screw in the rear heat synch. At this point, the board will be lift up easily. With a magnifing glass find any cracked or bad solder joint and touch it up. Be careful, the SMD are not glued to the board so they can slip when the solder is hot. Good luck.

2001 Dodge Neon radio does not work and displays error EEEE on the radio display with tone control lights flashing even after vehicle is shut-off What could be the problem and how do I fix it?

Try disconnecting the negative battery cable for a moment or two to reset the radio. If it still does it after reconnecting, you probably need to have it fixed or replaced.

How do you fix a burned out radio light on a 1999 olds intrigue?

Replace the radio.

How do you fix the radio display light on a 2001 Nissan Quest or how does the radio get the power for the LED display?

Go to for $19.99 they provide directions. Go here for a free step by step instructions free: For free instructions, go here... To recap: 1. Pull out drink holder out and remove two screws. 2. Pry the console out from the top, no need to completely remove. 3. Remove four screws holding the radio. 4. Disconnect 3 wire harnesses and antenna to remove radio. 5. Open radio face plate. 6. Open the top cover of radio. 7. Remove small circuit board inside radio to the left by bending 2 twisted tabs and remove one screw. 7. On bottom of circuit board, look for surface mount components R1057/C1071/R1058/C1083/R1064. 8. Resolder with small tip soldering iron. I resoldered all the joints while I was at it, just to be sure. Total time from getting the tools from the toolbox and clean everything up was less than 1 hour. Good Luck!! Some cases, you will need to replace the board of the CD/cass unit. This is due to a component in the LCD being fried, which can be seen by removing it from the system including the metal plate covering it. The component is in the lower-right corner (facing the display), and is locked within the LCD glass.

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You probably have led's failing,a complete display replacement is the only real solution.

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The best way to fix a radio and odometer display that doesn't work is to check the fuses. When you replace the bad fuse then the lights should work in your dash.

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If it is working what needs to be fixed? Assume, the lack of display. Not sure but I think the radio has two separate fuses, one for the radio one for it's display, check the fuses I have had similar problem but not sure if it was with my Topaz

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hello, well in fact the problem is not the lcd, the problem is the led the is back the lcd you have to get out the radio , quit the case and replace the led.

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It's probably a bad connection. If you feel up to it, you could take the radio apart and re-seat the ribon cable that feeds the display assembly. Remove the radio, take the top plate off and you can replace the bulb for the display.

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If the display is not on when you turn the ignition on. First you check the fuses. radio memory is usually run with the courtesy light fuse. The main radio fuse is marked radio. Second you pull the radio out and test the power leads to the radio. If you have no power then there may be a short in a wire. If there is power on the power leads then the radio must be replaced.

How do you fix the radio and heater display to work in a 2004 Honda?

there is no fix for this except to buy a new audio unit from the dealer. unless you still have a factory warranty then it will be replaced at no charge to you. this is a common problem with accords with that type of radio.

Your LED clocklight display on your 1997 van went out how do you fix that?

don't be shy, take your radio apart. pull bulb out and rewire a new bulb in. You will have to get the smallest bulb you can find at a automotive store. The bulb has 2 wires coming from the bottom which you will have to feed into socket of the one in your radio. Did this to my own and works great!

How do you get a 96 ford explorer Eddie Bauer radio to illuminate?

the led panel is burnt out you can either take it to a radio repair shop or buy a used radio you can't fix it