matbe try pressing the buttons in a combo starting with 1st and 2nd (a and b) buttons then try in different combos matbe try pressing the buttons in a combo starting with 1st and 2nd (a and b) buttons then try in different combos
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You cant. Stupid face
When you're a teenager, your music school teacher will come and give you a present. Inside will be a instrument, it will randomly chose for you. You can also get instruments from tamatown, but you need gotchi points (points earn on tamatown, not in tamagotchi music star) to buy the instrument.
You have to wait. Soon a music teacher will come. Then you can go.
it is impossible to get twins on a tamagotchi music star
You can't turn it off. Basically you have to set your tamagotchi at the correct time for it to sleep at 8-10 PM It then wakes up at 7-8 AM
the one with the toy and the instrument is v6 or music star
Lovelitchi is a Tama-Go character, so therefore cannot be raised on Tamagotchi Music Star.
You Can't The Music Star Is Newer The The V3. You Can Connect V3 With V4 And V2.
You have to log in your tamagotchi music star or tama-go.
no... I don't think you can on any tama...
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there no password for music star IDIOT
no they cant
sometimes but most likely no but still try it :-)