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If your planning a hundred people nothing but cabbage I would rethink that idea if I were you

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Q: How any lbs of cabbage to feed 100 people?
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Is it good to feed a guinea pig cabbage?

Yes! Guinea pigs LOVE veggies of any kind as long as its green (the darker the green the better)

How do common snails feed?

I cant answer how any other way than with their mouths! but they do eat lettuce, apple cucumber, cabbage and other fruits and veggies. you should also feed cuttlefish $ egg shells for calcium.

Can guinea pigs eat green cabbage?

no they cant the get gassy and could die from it if you need more answers google search "What guinea pigs can and cannot eat" it will tell you everything you need to know :D xx

Does cabbage grow in large quantities?

It's true, farmers grow lots of cabbage. There does not appear to be any shortage of cabbage.

What if a dog eats cabbage?

Nothing happens. Cabbage is a vegetable and has no known ill effect on dogs. My Great Dane likes chewing on the hard stem like part of the cabbage and he has been doing it for months. He is perfectly fine and he enjoys doing it.

What eat cabbage palms?

Turtles, manatees, etc. Any herbivore eats cabbage palms.

Why did people use labyrinth?

to feed the minotaur withou any fuss

Do zombies like brownies?

no they do not they feed on people animals and any meat.

Why can't i feed my horse an apple on howrsecom?

You can't any more, with the new changes, you can only feed other people's horses apples.

Why leaves are important to cabbage plant?

The leaves of cabbages are important because the heads form from the leaves. Cabbage leaves can be any color and shape.

Did George Washington Carver do any research or study on cabbage?


Where can I buy Cabbage Patch Kids?

You can buy cabbage patch kids at toys r us, babies r us,, Any place that sells toys will have a great selection of cabbage patch kids.