No, Bjorn was the guitarist of ABBA, married to Agnitha (Anita).
Abba Abba has 128 pages.
how was abba created
ABBA originated in Sweden.
It is difficult to pinpoint which ABBA remake has been the most popular. Among some of ABBA's songs that are very popular as remakes are SOS, Dancing Queen and Waterloo. ABBA Teens, an ABBA tribute act, is a popular ABBA 'remake'.
No, Bjorn was the guitarist of ABBA, married to Agnitha (Anita).
Abba Abba has 128 pages.
how was abba created
God is Abba. In Latin or something, Abba means daddy. Jesus refers to him as Abba, father, and God. So, God could not be faithful to Abba, because he is Abba.
ABBA originated in Sweden.
Abba Ahimeir died in 1962.
It is difficult to pinpoint which ABBA remake has been the most popular. Among some of ABBA's songs that are very popular as remakes are SOS, Dancing Queen and Waterloo. ABBA Teens, an ABBA tribute act, is a popular ABBA 'remake'.
No; Abba the pop group are from Sweden
It was once, I think ABBA was a great band! It was once, I think ABBA was a great band!
They were known as "Björn & Benny, Agnetha & Anni-Frid" before renaming themselves "ABBA".
Cele Abba was born in 1906.
The Best of ABBA was created in 1975.