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mAh stands for milliamp hours and is a partial measure of the energy that can be stored in a battery. It is the standard used for rechargeable batteries but rarely used for non-rechargeable batteries.

The rating is only a partial measure because the voltage affects the total energy stored. For a given mAh rating, the higher the voltage of the battery, the more energy can be stored.

For two batteries that deliver the same voltage, a 7200mAh battery will store more energy than a 4400mAh one. Therefore, the 7200mAh battery should last longer.

There are other factors that affect how long a battery can last. The type of load can have a significant effect on the battery life and the condition of the battery itself.

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14y ago

A: The higher the ma hour the more power is available to do work/. mah means milli amperes per hour. The first battery will outlast the second battery by a factor of 9600 divided by 4400 or 2.18 times longer if the voltage is the same.

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11y ago

Yes, this is possible. The digits refer to the battery life as measures in milliamperehours (mAh). If "x" indicates the old battery and "y" indicates the new, then the equation (60/4200)*4400 will indicate how much longer the battery will last.

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