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No dogs only show up if there is a drug situation and have to sniff their way to the drug in order for the police to arrest someone under suspicion. Most gas stations don't have drug dogs unless there is a problem.

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Q: Do Amtrak stations have drug sniffing dogs at all stations?
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What are some of the jobs that dogs can do?

Service dogs, bomb sniffing, drug dogs, military/ police dogs, rescue dogs, body sniffing dogs, show dogs.

Do fedex employ drug sniffing dogs?

YOU FU@&ING RIGHT THEY DO.....Mail your dope UPS !

Does sniffing tissue count as a drug?

no sniffing tissue is harmless

Why are dogs work at the airport?

Most people are probably aware of dogs being used to detect explosives, but dogs are also used to sniff out illicit drugs and agricultural contraband.

What are the main drug problems in Italy?

sniffing it.

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Drug of Choice - Sniffing Cat Urine

What breeds are drug dogs?

Drug dogs in other words dogs used to sniff out drugs can be many breeds of dog. Drug dogs are often dogs with very good sense of smell. Most commonly a German Shepard, however, many other breeds can participate in "drug sniffing". For example Bloodhounds or Labs are sometimes used in airports. Also Bloodhounds can be used on a paralegal case simply because these dogs can sniff out trails hours after they were left. There are also breeds of dogs which can sniff out mold in walls and such. I hope this answer helps it's viewers!

What drug does charlie from lost do?

heroin ,but they dont show him sniffing it .

Is glue a hard drug?

yes, and glue sniffing can possibly lead to death

How does sniffing cocaine cause a perforated septum?

Sniffing cocaine causes a perforated septum by continuous use of the drug, tissues in the nose are deprived of blood and die.

Why do people say you've been working like a dog when dogs just sit around all day?

Tell that to the St. Bernards who are busy rescuing avalanche victims, or the sled dogs pulling the sleds in the Iditarod, or the police dogs who work alongside their human partners, or the drug-sniffing dogs in the airport, or the guide dogs for the blind, etc. etc......