No he did not, they have been married since 1984 and are STILL married. Toby has NEVER been divorced.
Yes he did last year we have been face timeing each other for over a year. He ask me to marry him and I said YES!
Toby Keith divorce from his wife or not because I have been talking to him it mean he lie to me
Hahaha to all you fans that think your his next wife my thought on it is they not getting a divorce at all so you fans that think your his next wife wake up you fools
Toby Keith has had only one known wife--Patricia "Tricia" Covel nee Lucas.
Patricia Lucus (born c.1960) is Toby Keith's wife (married 1984).
Yes he is. He has been married to Tricia since 1984. Someone said Toby was married before but he was not, this is his first marriage. High maintenance woman was NOT about an ex-wife of Toby's. I think they said it was about one of his buddies ex-wives.
Toby Keith meet his wife at the biggest Oklahoma bar
Country singer Toby Keith is quite the private man and moves forward in his career and is trying not to look back. There is little mention of his ex wife with the exception her first name was Betty and they were married quite young and he was quoted as saying 'she was too high maintenance' but he was very much in love with her at the time. He is now happily married to Trician Lucus and adopted her daughter Shelley Reeve. Toby Keith and his wife Tricia have one daughter Krystal (born in 1985) who also sang with him on the CMA Awards in 2004. He also has a son Stelen born in 1997.Toby has NOT been married before. Trish is his only wife. They were married in 1984. The idea for High Maintenance Woman was gotten from him sitting in a bar with some of his people and one of them said that his wife was high maintenance and that is how they came up with the song. If you check Toby's biography you will see that he has only been married once and about his song High Maintenance Woman. Please check your facts before you go answering something you know nothing about. Check his FAN CLUB.
Toby Keith has had only one known wife--Patricia "Tricia" Covel nee Lucas.
Tricia Lucas.
Patricia Lucus (born c.1960) is Toby Keith's wife (married 1984).
Toby Keith's wife is Patricia Lucus, often misspelled Lucas, born circa 1960.
Yes he is. He has been married to Tricia since 1984. Someone said Toby was married before but he was not, this is his first marriage. High maintenance woman was NOT about an ex-wife of Toby's. I think they said it was about one of his buddies ex-wives.
Toby Keith meet his wife at the biggest Oklahoma bar
His x wife
Country singer Toby Keith is quite the private man and moves forward in his career and is trying not to look back. There is little mention of his ex wife with the exception her first name was Betty and they were married quite young and he was quoted as saying 'she was too high maintenance' but he was very much in love with her at the time. He is now happily married to Trician Lucus and adopted her daughter Shelley Reeve. Toby Keith and his wife Tricia have one daughter Krystal (born in 1985) who also sang with him on the CMA Awards in 2004. He also has a son Stelen born in 1997.Toby has NOT been married before. Trish is his only wife. They were married in 1984. The idea for High Maintenance Woman was gotten from him sitting in a bar with some of his people and one of them said that his wife was high maintenance and that is how they came up with the song. If you check Toby's biography you will see that he has only been married once and about his song High Maintenance Woman. Please check your facts before you go answering something you know nothing about. Check his FAN CLUB.
Shelley is Trish's daughter from a relationship before she met Toby. Shelley was 2 or 3 when they got married.
The American rapper Macklemore does not have a wife. He is, however, currently engaged to his partner of seven years, Tricia Davis. Tricia has stuck by him through his drug and alcohol problems.
Craggie Hope United Methodist Church Kingston Springs, TN I know this because my wife and I were married in the same church.
because she cheated on him