Yes he lived in castleknock Dublin till he tax problems were sorted out in the us
Jerry Lee Lewis was born on September 29, 1935
no "i hate jerry lee Lewis he sympathises with the negro race" johnny cash- 1944
While at the current time, the Jerry Lee Lewis camp denies Lori Lewis is his daughter, Mr. Lewis was present at the time of her birth, married to her mother at the time of birth, is listed as her father on her birth certificate and acknowledged her as his child until the untimely death of her mother in 1983. Ms. Lewis successfully sued Jerry Lee in court when she was an adult for college tuition.
The cast of Jerry Lee Lewis and Friends - 1989 includes: Dave Davies as himself Dave Edmunds as himself Jerry Lee Lewis as himself Van Morrison as himself
Jerry Lee Lewis was born on September 29, 1935
Jerry Lee Lewis was born on September 29, 1935.
Jerry Lee Lewis was born on September 29, 1935.
Jerry Lee Lewis was born on September 29, 1935
Jerry Lee Lewis is a/an *Singer *songwriter *musician *actor
Jerry Lee Lewis goes by The Killer, and The Ferriday Fireball.
jerry lee lewis is still alive and kicking today.
Jerry Lee Lewis "The Killer" has had SIX wives and two of them died before him.
does jerry lee Lewis have muscular dystrophy
no "i hate jerry lee Lewis he sympathises with the negro race" johnny cash- 1944
Jerry Lee Lewis - Great ball of fire