Not as far as I know. Geddy has a very distinctive appearance, and he is proud of it (as he should be). He has never tried to look different, other than adapting to certain styles of fashion in the 1970s and 1980s. But what you see is the real Geddy.
Geddy lee is 5' 11"
Geddy Lee Weinrib is 63 years old (birthdate: July 29, 1953).
Geddy Lee married his long-time girlfriend Nancy Young in 1976, and they are the parents of a son and a daughter.
Geddy Lee, the lead singer for Rush, has a high-pitched voice, and as a result, some people who do not know much about the band have asked if he is a girl. But Geddy (real first name: Gary) is absolutely a guy.
Geddy Lee from Rush.
Geddy lee is 5' 11"
Geddy Lee goes by Dirk.
Geddy Lee's birth name is Gary Lee Weinrib.
Geddy Lee has a wife and kids, and no, he is notgay.
Geddy Lee was born on July 29, 1953.
Geddy Lee was born on July 29, 1953.
Geddy Lee lives in Toronto, Ontario in Canada!
Geddy Lee Weinrib is 63 years old (birthdate: July 29, 1953).