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NO! He's never do that! He's on break and will be back in the fall :)

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Q: Did Bruno Mars stop singing
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What did Bruno mars like to do other than singing?

What did Bruno mars like to do other than singing

Why did Bruno mars quit singing?

He never quit singing!

What activities do Bruno Mars enjoy?

bruno mars enjoyed singing song writing and dancing

What is Bruno Mars a fan of?

singing and dancing

What award did Bruno Mars win?

I don't no but I like his singing

Who does the singing in billionare?

Travie McCoy featuring Bruno Mars.

How does Bruno mars sing so high?

Bruno Mars sings because he really likes singing and he decided that he would like to pursue in a musical career.

What video shows Bruno mars singing on a rainy night?

The answer in grenade

When Bruno Mars started singing?

younger than 4 ;) xoxo

Why did Bruno Mars write 'Grenade'?

Bruno Mars might have been singing about someone who cheated on him, since the song expresses the experience of unrequited love.

Where did Bruno mars sing before he was a superstar?

I think Bruno Mars sung at mini concerts and traveled places writing music and singing on the streets lol love u Bruno (;

What are Bruno Mars's hobbies?

Bruno Mars hobbies, well what do you think? It's singing, acting, and dancing, and he party's he has a pretty good life..........