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Yes - its not one of the seven bad words.

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Q: Can you say the word ass on the radio and tv?
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How do you say radio and television broadcasting in spanish?

The word "broadcasting" in Spanish is usually taken for granted when you speak of radio and television. For example "I work in radio and television broadcasting" would be "Trabajo en la radio y la televisión." Note that when you are talking of programming and content, it is "la radio". When you speak of the physical device, it is "el radio".

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Musicalization for radio and television

Is TV more popular than radio?

Absolutely, radio became obsolete. It is substituted by TV.

Can radio and television say to be instruments of imperialism?

You can certainly say that, but saying it doesn't make it so.

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The other word for advertisements (usually radio or television) is commercials.

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The noun broadcast is a word forsound or images distributed by radio or television;a single radio or television program. Example sentence:The campus radio broadcast is completely student operated.

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Radio, friends, family, word of mouth.

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Is a newscast a noun?

Yes, the word 'newscast' is a noun, a singular, common, abstract noun; a word for radio or television broadcast of news reports, a word for a thing.

What branch of media has been subjected to the most extensive federal regulations?

i will have 2 say,radio and television

How do you say television set in Japanese?

The word television in Japanese is テレビ. The word television is written in English.