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Yes, it is possible. As long as you have about 1cm of space between the tip of your tongue and your tongue frenulum, you can get this part of your tongue pierced. You may also get your tongue pierced off-center, either to the left hand or right hand side of your tongue, if you are too tongue tied to have a central tongue piercing. If neither of these is possible, and you still wish to have an oral piercing, then a tongue frenulum piercing or a "smiley" piercing are optional.


It should also be noted that an oral surgeon can perform a lingual frenectomy which will allow you more room. It may mess with your speech for a few days to a couple weeks but your tongue will be more nimble in the end and may in fact improve your speech. This is not a risky procedure when performed by an oral surgeon but you can damage glands at the base of your tonge and on the floor of your mouth if you attempt it yourself and infection is probable if done on your own. Risk of infection which could lead to death if not dealt with properly, glandular damage, the probability of shock which will cause you to pass out and could lead to other problems, uncontrollable bleeding and other factors are all issues if attempted on your own.
It depends on how badly your tongue is tied, you would be best to talk to your local professional body piercer. If there is too much restriction or the web is too developed it would be dangerous to even consider trying to pierce it.

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